Test Bank for Medical Surgical Nursing 2nd Edition Hoffman
Test Bank for Medical Surgical Nursing 2nd Edition Hoffman
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Test Bank for Medical Surgica 1. The medical-surgical nurse identifies a clinical practice issue and wants to determine if there is sufficient
evidence to support a change in practice. Which type of study provides the strongest evidence to support a
practice change?
1) Randomized control study
2) Quasi-experimental study
3) Case-control study
4) Cohort study
 2. The medical-surgical unit recently implemented a patient-centered care model. Which action implemented by
the nurse supports this model?
1) Evaluating care
2) Assessing needs
3) Diagnosing problems
4) Providing compassion
 3. Which action should the nurse implement when providing patient care in order to support The Joint
Commission’s (TJC) National Patient Safety Goals (NPSG)?
1) Silencing a cardiorespiratory monitor
2) Identifying each patient using one source
3) Determining patient safety issues upon admission
4) Decreasing the amount of pain medication administered
 4. Which interprofessional role does the nurse often assume when providing patient care in an acute care
1) Social worker
2) Client advocate
3) Care coordinator
4) Massage therapist
 5. The medical-surgical nurse wants to determine if a policy change is needed for an identified clinical problem.
Which is the first action the nurse should implement?
1) Developing a question
2) Disseminating the findings
3) Conducting a review of the literature
4) Evaluating outcomes of practice change
 6. The nurse is evaluating the level of evidence found during a recent review of the literature. Which evidence
carries the lowest level of support for a practice change?
1) Level IV
2) Level V
3) Level VI
4) Level VIIl Nursing 2nd Edition Hoffman