Test Bank for Introduction to Psychology, 16th Edition by Dennis Coon
book I.3 Reflective Note-Taking: LISAN Up! I.4 Reflective Study Strategies: Making a Habit of Success Chapter 1: The Foundations of Psychological Science Living...
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book I.3 Reflective Note-Taking: LISAN Up! I.4 Reflective Study Strategies: Making a Habit of Success Chapter 1: The Foundations of Psychological Science Living in a Tree House 1.1 Commonsense Psychology: Not Necessarily "Common"or "Sense" 1.2 What Psychologists Do 1.3 The History of Psychological Science: A Trip Through Time 1.4 Contemporary Psychological Science and the Biopsychosocial Model 1.5 The Core Features of Psychological Science 1.6 Experimental Research: Where Cause Meets Effect 1.7 Nonexperimental Research: Losing (a Bit of) Control 1.8 Psychology and Your Skill Set: Information Literacy Summary Chapter 2: Brain and Behavior Punch-Drunk 2.1 The Nervous System 2.2 Brain Research 2.3 The Cerebral Cortex 2.4 The Subcortex and Endocrine System 2.5 Psychology and Your Skill Set: Self-Regulation Chapter 3: Human Development Seeing Double 3.1 The Forces That Shape Development: Nature and Nurture 3.2 Physical and Perceptual Development 3.3 Emotional and Social Development 3.4 Language, Cognitive, and Moral Development 3.5 Psychology and Your Skill Set: Ethical Behavior Chapter 4: Sensation, Attention, and Perception Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? 4.1 Sensation 4.2 Vision 4.3 Hearing 4.4 Chemical and Somesthetic Senses 4.5 Attention 4.6 Perception 4.7 Psychology and Your Skill Set: Effective Communication Chapter 5: States of Consciousness Blown Away 5.1 States of Consciousness - The Many Faces of Awareness 5.2 Hypnosis and Meditation: Relax... 5.3 Sleep: The Nightly Roller Coaster 5.4 Drug-Altered Consciousness: The Highand Low of It 5.5 Psychology and Your Skill Set: Metacognition Chapter 6: Conditioning and Learning Just Learn It 6.1 The Basics of Learning 6.2 Classical Conditioning: Pair Up! 6.3 Operant Conditioning: Shape Up! 6.4 Observational Learning: Watch It! 6.5 Cognitive Learning: Think! 6.6 Psychology and Your Skill Set: Behavioral Self-Management Chapter 7: Memory A Case of Mistaken Identity 7.1 A General Model of Memory 7.2 Sensory and Short-Term (Working) Memory 7.3 Long-Term Memory 7.4 Remembering and Forgetting 7.5 The Accuracy of Long-Term Memory 7.6 Improving Your Memory 7.7 Psychology and Your Skill Set: Giving Memorable Presentations Chapter 8: Cognition, Language, and Creativity Capturing the Wind 8.1 The Basic Units of Cognition: Mental Imagery, Concepts, and Language 8.2 Problem Solving 8.3 Intuition, Decision-Making, and Cognitive Biases 8.4 Creative Thinking 8.5 Psychology and Your Skill Set: Creativity and Innovation Chapter 9: Intelligence Good or Evil? 9.1 Defining Human Intelligence 9.2 Measuring Intelligence 9.3 Intellectual Giftedness and Disability 9.4 Genetic and Environmental Contributions to Intelligence 9.5 Thinking Ethically About Intelligence 9.6 Psychology and Your Skill Set: Emotional Intelligence Chapter 10: Motivation and Emotion Modelling Motivated Behavior 10.1 The Basics of Motivation 10.2 Biological Motives 10.3 Stimulus and Learned Motives 10.4 The Four Basic Aspects of Emotion 10.5 Connecting the Four Aspects of Emotion: Theories of Emotion 10.6 Psychology and Your Skill Set: Positivity and Optimism Chapter 11: Sex, Gender, and Sexuality Either/Or; Neither/Nor 11.1 Sexual Development and Orientation 11.2 Gender Identities and Roles 11.3 Sexual Responses, Attitudes, and Behaviors 11.4 Sexual Relationships 11.5 Psychology and Your Skill Set: Civic Engagement Chapter 12: Personality and Individual Differences Stable or Changing? 12.1 Theories of Personality 12.2 Traits: The Building Blocks of Personality 12.3 Personality Assessment 12.4 Factors Influencing Personality 12.5 Psychology and Your Skill Set: Leadership Chapter 13: Health Psychology Doing Justice to Diabetes 13.1 Biopsychosocial and Behavioral Contributions to Health 13.2 Stress and Health 13.3 Improving Health with Treatment 13.4 Improving Health Through Coping 13.5 Psychology and Your Skill Set: Stress Management Chapter 14: Psychological Disorders Break In or Break Down? 14.1 Psychopathology: Classification and Causes 14.2 Psychotic Disorders 14.3 Mood and Personality Disorders 14.4 Anxiety and Anxiety-Related Disorders 14.5 Psychology and Your Skill Set: Perseverance Chapter 15: Therapies Just Say Shhhhhh.... 15.1 The Origins and Effectiveness of Psychotherapy 15.2 Behavior Therapies 15.3 Cognitive and Humanistic Therapies 15.4 Medical Therapies 15.5 Psychology and Your Skill Set: Managing Mental Health Issues Chapter 16: Social Thinking and Social Influence I Can't Breathe... 16.1 The Fundamentals of Social Groups 16.2 Attitudes 16.3 Social Influence 16.4 Psychology and Your Skill Set: Teamwork Chapter 17: Prosocial and Antisocial Behavior What Does a Reformed Racist Look Like? 17.1 Affiliation and Attraction 17.2 Prosocial Behavior: Helping Others 17.3 Antisocial Behavior: Aggression, Conflict, and Prejudice 17.4 Psychology and Your Skill Set: Diversity and Inclusion Chapter 18: Applied Psychology Psychology All Around Us 18.1 Industrial/Organizational Psychology 18.2 Environmental Psychology 18.3 Legal, Community, and Sports Psychology 18.4 Psychology and Your Skill Set: Career Preparation
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Published 30 Jul 2024
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